Category Archives: Uncategorized

Crying I am the best.

Suddenly everyone in the world has started giving advice to me. It has been a very common pattern across my life, wherein my failures(not necessarily) have generated uncalled for mentor-ship in people around. They are always ready for advising keeping me in between the conversation, no matter how generic and commonsense they talk.

I will try to recover from this by invoking Gandhian mechanism of smiling in silence. Believing in the saying “Every Dog has its day”.

Like I had a better idea :-).

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Upcoming posts for this year.

Crazy diaries(series).

Why is there a feeling of emptiness.  Why something is always missing?

When you meet someone.

Change yourself if you want to see a change(Obama style unleashed).

This year has been quite exciting in terms of writing. I have been to and fro to the blog and there have been some exciting posts. Before sitting on to organizing the public appearance of my post, and becoming regular on my blog; I want to first finish a few more posts(as listed) , revisit my vocab and take some consultation on writing. It has been a diary writing for me till now, and I have neither really cared about the narration mode nor the considered proverbial and grammatically rich language.

But going ahead after two years of opening a moderately active blog,  its time to get serious and enjoy the art of writing in a critical way.  As they say writing is successful only if it leaves an imprint on reader, it obviously is a long way to go . Till then..

Happy Writing !! 🙂 !!


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Staying healthy and releasing stress in office.

Feeling ahaa after doing yoga for a long time. Life has been pathetic just after uncalled cease of 3weeks and the sudden push has activated the slept nerves again. We, in our busy schedules and culture filled with endless festivals are bound to fall in the trap of physical numbness very often. So to keep our body in flexible condition we need some yoga snacks that can always be taken in short intervals during the day.

1.Backword bends.

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Trying new highs.

Expectations if aligned to effort can produce extremely compelling output. But with me consistency has been a road block to achieve planned targets. With my BMI certainly greener and the weighing machine showing some improvements this is first time in years that , I am unexpectedly happy. I was hoping for the results to come long back;obviously after doing yoga for 3 consecutive months. But as they say  “better late than ever” some little good things have happened and the on paper improvements have started to show.

Next short-term target for me is to join the November introduction(power yoga vinayasa) and reduce weight by 4 kgs in a month. This will give me necessary stamina to enroll for the January integration classes, where the yoga forms will be more intense(mentally and physically). Iron content of my body is probably reduced so folic acid will be prime content of my diet next month. To improve muscle content I am planning to increase my salad intake and try some protein shake as soon as my weight comes to normal.

Laddhakh trips are supposed to revive by MAY. Before plan is on paper my health should be largely improved. To attain mental and physical high consistent workout and eating is required. This time of the month is a bit hectic and after starting yoga I am expecting some newer perspectives to my life. As long as trip is concerned if I am able to achieve the hallmark then I wont ask any new things for that year because supposedly it will enlighten me for the future endeavors.

Happy Blogging…

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Parallel Processing(Art of screwing many things at the same time).

Funny title but true at times. They say that most of us use not more than 2% of mind’s capabilities. Can involving mind in various activities at the same time pull a better average,  answer is no. We cannot pay similar attention to all the things at the same time , that needs prioritizing. Its like in computer, the keyboard has the highest priority over rest of the things otherwise work will get messed up.

I have been doing a lot of things concurrently this year and believe me ! it’s a bloody messy situation. Either will you keep forgetting things or you can’t get rid of them even while in your dreams. One thing leads to other, you cant sleep well feel tired and would procrastinate or forget many double’s.

I have evolved my work  style to follow some basic tricks which keeps my mind and soul in peace even if things are not executing perfectly.

1. You cannot finish everything on time, that needs a lot of experience and least number of obstacles so don’t try to.

2. Plan things in written even if  its a very small thing, when you will mark done it will give surety, satisfaction and you can give it a second thought to see if its actually complete.

3.Plan things in proper order, it saves a lot of time as many more connected things will get finished alongside.

4.Set remainders, use gadgets.

5.Delegate even everything which can be delegated. Learn to say thanks as soon as the work finishes.

6.Search properly for the cost, reliability and usability of buying things. Ask others , think of people who would have already used it. This makes people feel good and in family and you can always go and ask if there is some problem.

7.Keep you mind cool. Eat well and on time whenever there are chances of parallel works coming in your cart. Get up early if you have slept well. Take bath and do some chanting to get some mental energy and support.







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Emotional intelligence

I read through an article written by Steve jobs sister and I felt sad. There are times when I think being emotional will make me a weaker person. When I am ready to see that a bad thing will happen some day I feel prepared and confident. But I still get nervous mentally and lousy physically with the disturbing news/videos regardless of its source. Should I be calm and serially paced with my emotions or leave it to my natural nature is still a “What??”  I have not been able to resolve.
With yoga I have been able to have a new insight towards life which is actually beautiful and less insecure in nature.
The personal connect and a feeling of rush that I develop with the situations obviously more than one at a time needs to become a habit of past. As my yoga instructor says we have to be physically fit to be able to do meditation that will make mind more peaceful that is my first target.

Still writing…

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One more day int the life of a common man.

Furr …. Long time  but the ink is not dried yet and finger bone although bit tilted is still taking commons from adrenaline spoilt brain nerves.

April 28th/ usual relaxing day/…

Once again I visited the ISB website to check what the world is doing. The mix of creativity and versatility of profession is still respected. Being human has become a T-shirtly fashion and common man is a stunty idiom to bank the business from masses. But when it comes to making difference the uncommonness is the key to winning(Specially to get institutional with the group of prospective(would be) high earning tycoons) . Although going with the “History repeats itself” way that Anna Hazare pulled out-of the old rusting Gandhian  wardrobe,  looks like the old formulae still works.

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Stack of Mistakes(Learning not to Do’s b4 30 to avoid it later:-))!

I am drawing the list of where I got fooled due to lack of attention to details.
1.I bought a home recently and it seems the view of my balcony is not going to be as pitched by the sales man.
2.New bike servicing center nearby to my place is extremely exorbitant I would have taken second view before replacing handle
Takeaway:Do not replace original body parts on the fly.
3.Should have kept my mind cool and reached home on time before marriage so that Dad’s burden and money would have been saved.
4.Asking Dad to buy I10 instead of Ritz was a foolish decision.
Takeaway:Ask around and do proper RnD before putting hard-earned money into it.
5.Car paper transfer would have been more smoother had if I was taking frequent followup.
Takeaway: Start doing it.
6.I should stop all the usual habits that in-spite of knowing that are deteriorating my health I am carrying as burden.

7.Mom’s health problem has become a concern now I would have searched and avoided it by checking on weight reduction techniques.

8.Shanu’s career decision would have been taken and planned early.

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Just on time !

There are times when we are always in search of some light emitting source which will know all your problems. This source will make all the chronic problems very obvious and small in size.You will feel very accepted and relieved as the light coming of this source will burn the problems and give you a refreshing start. I have found few such sources for my live in last few years. And I am very thankful to god for

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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