Upcoming posts for this year.

Crazy diaries(series).

Why is there a feeling of emptiness.  Why something is always missing?

When you meet someone.

Change yourself if you want to see a change(Obama style unleashed).

This year has been quite exciting in terms of writing. I have been to and fro to the blog and there have been some exciting posts. Before sitting on to organizing the public appearance of my post, and becoming regular on my blog; I want to first finish a few more posts(as listed) , revisit my vocab and take some consultation on writing. It has been a diary writing for me till now, and I have neither really cared about the narration mode nor the considered proverbial and grammatically rich language.

But going ahead after two years of opening a moderately active blog,  its time to get serious and enjoy the art of writing in a critical way.  As they say writing is successful only if it leaves an imprint on reader, it obviously is a long way to go . Till then..

Happy Writing !! 🙂 !!


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