Trying new highs.

Expectations if aligned to effort can produce extremely compelling output. But with me consistency has been a road block to achieve planned targets. With my BMI certainly greener and the weighing machine showing some improvements this is first time in years that , I am unexpectedly happy. I was hoping for the results to come long back;obviously after doing yoga for 3 consecutive months. But as they say  “better late than ever” some little good things have happened and the on paper improvements have started to show.

Next short-term target for me is to join the November introduction(power yoga vinayasa) and reduce weight by 4 kgs in a month. This will give me necessary stamina to enroll for the January integration classes, where the yoga forms will be more intense(mentally and physically). Iron content of my body is probably reduced so folic acid will be prime content of my diet next month. To improve muscle content I am planning to increase my salad intake and try some protein shake as soon as my weight comes to normal.

Laddhakh trips are supposed to revive by MAY. Before plan is on paper my health should be largely improved. To attain mental and physical high consistent workout and eating is required. This time of the month is a bit hectic and after starting yoga I am expecting some newer perspectives to my life. As long as trip is concerned if I am able to achieve the hallmark then I wont ask any new things for that year because supposedly it will enlighten me for the future endeavors.

Happy Blogging…

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