Parallel Processing(Art of screwing many things at the same time).

Funny title but true at times. They say that most of us use not more than 2% of mind’s capabilities. Can involving mind in various activities at the same time pull a better average,  answer is no. We cannot pay similar attention to all the things at the same time , that needs prioritizing. Its like in computer, the keyboard has the highest priority over rest of the things otherwise work will get messed up.

I have been doing a lot of things concurrently this year and believe me ! it’s a bloody messy situation. Either will you keep forgetting things or you can’t get rid of them even while in your dreams. One thing leads to other, you cant sleep well feel tired and would procrastinate or forget many double’s.

I have evolved my work  style to follow some basic tricks which keeps my mind and soul in peace even if things are not executing perfectly.

1. You cannot finish everything on time, that needs a lot of experience and least number of obstacles so don’t try to.

2. Plan things in written even if  its a very small thing, when you will mark done it will give surety, satisfaction and you can give it a second thought to see if its actually complete.

3.Plan things in proper order, it saves a lot of time as many more connected things will get finished alongside.

4.Set remainders, use gadgets.

5.Delegate even everything which can be delegated. Learn to say thanks as soon as the work finishes.

6.Search properly for the cost, reliability and usability of buying things. Ask others , think of people who would have already used it. This makes people feel good and in family and you can always go and ask if there is some problem.

7.Keep you mind cool. Eat well and on time whenever there are chances of parallel works coming in your cart. Get up early if you have slept well. Take bath and do some chanting to get some mental energy and support.







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